Measure, Analyze, Control ... ask, answer, suggest.
alert on dash
I have a D105 used as water counter.
I am trying to setup a lot of alert ( mail) when a certain Number ov pulses in a ineterval will be exceeded.
I.E. if I consume more than 200l in a hour, a mail will be send.
But also if I consume more than 1000l in a day, a mail will be send.
But also, if I consume more than 3000l in a week a mail will be send
But also, if I consume more than 10000l in a month a mail will be send
So, in case of a water leak, I will found it in advance.
There is a kind of Widget in the dash to do this?
Thanks, P.
как сумировать затраты?
Добрый день , Подскажите пожалуйста если я имею в таблице затрату на воду , и затрату на газ как сделать подсчет затрат за день неделю месяц не нашел такую тему
Add single price per day PLUS price per Kwh
Hi, Is is possible to create a tariff which has a fixed price per day tariff PLUS price per Kwh used?
Where is the best place to get help in English - are there YouTube videos? I find the one with subtitles hard to follow.
May be possible to show value from more then one device on the same dashboard.
I look to install two or tree devices on different power circuite, and i want to show the mesured values on the same dashboard, but i dont know if is possible.
Біллінг по 90% персентилю
Доброго дня.
Хочемо налаштувати біллінг по максимальній спожитій потужності за принципом 95-го процентиля, тобто відкидаючи 5% пікових значень.
Чи могли б ви, будь ласка, допомогти з таким налаштуванням? Дякую.
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