Measure, Analyze, Control ... ask, answer, suggest.
використати DS18B20 до вашого smart-MAIC D105
Добрий день, Хочемо використати наш DS18B20 до вашого smart-MAIC D105. Згідно вашої документації можна 5 датчиків на лінію. Чи можна їх включити по трипровідній схемі 1 wire? Там клемник і ваша схемотехніка передбачає?
Difference between Home and Prof account
On your site one of the differences between home account and professional account is the data editing, which is not available in the Home version.
What do you mean by data editing?
Pulse filter settings
Hello, I have a digital kwh meter with S0 pulse output. The datasheet of the device indicates that the pulse length is 90ms. Can the pulse filters be set as follows?
At the start [ms]:0
At the end [ms]:90
Otherwise, what do you recommend?
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