
Measure, Analyze, Control ... ask, answer, suggest.


Current Transformers

Юрий 6 years ago in Equipment updated by Support Manager 6 years ago 3

What is the maximum current transformer can be used for smart-MAC D103? Let's say there is a transformer on the 1000A with secondary winding 1A, will it work correctly with the device?


Whether API is available (WI-FI) D-103-12 when disabling the external network?

Алексей 6 years ago in Equipment updated by Support Manager 6 years ago 3

If only external network home wifi is still available-would like to see D-103-12, and that no external network.


D105-how to connect more than one temperature sensor?

Passatijy 6 years ago in Equipment updated by Support Manager 6 years ago 1

The documentation stated that the smart MAC D105 contact 4 allows to connect 5 temperature sensors type DS18x20 or one
temperature and humidity sensor DHT22

How to do it. As far as I can see on sensors-e.g. Sealed masterkitovskij temperature sensor DS18B20

  • 1-wire interface
  • Red wire U Pete.
  • Black wire GND
  • Yellow wire Data

but it is not clear where any wires, and what to do for example with second or third sensor.


MQTT: no traffic to server

Mauro 6 years ago in Equipment updated by Support Manager 6 years ago 2

I just configured the device.

I enabled mqtt server config wit username and password.

Unfortunately in mqtt logs I cannot see the username from the smart-mac but just:

1557525454: New connection from on port 1883.
1557525454: Sending CONNACK to (0, 5)
1557525454: Socket error on client , disconnecting.


Allowable temperature range

Александр 6 years ago in Equipment updated 6 years ago 2

The brochure stated from -30 up to 70 on how real these figures? Because I plan to put the energy monitor on the street.