
How can I use the API to get a list of all the devid on my account?

KEVIN CAREY 2 months ago in General questions updated by Support Manager 2 months ago 3

How can I use the API to get a list of all the devid on my account?

I can find out device IDs going to my dashboard, but how do I get a list of the devid associated with my account using the API?

Once I have a devid I can extract data, but I need to create code so that I can retrieve list of all my devids and iterate through the data on each one.

Thanks in advance for any help

How can I use the API to get a list of all the devid on my account?

Sorry, but there is no such option yet.
You need to know your device list yourself.


That is a pity. Is there a way to retrieve the geolocation of a device from device data or input the geolocation of the device on dashboard?

Sorry, there  is no way to retrieve the geolocation of a device.