
axis scale

Kurt 2 months ago in Dashboard and Widgets updated by Support Manager 2 months ago 1

How can I change the scale of the axis? For example, I measure a Voltage of 5 Volts. Until 2 days ago, the right axis had (automatically) a maximum range of 5. Since yestrday, the maximum value of the axis is 50 Volt, therefore the height of my voltage-line is only 10 percent of the height of the screen. Thank you and best regards Kurt Böhm


The axis scale is automatically selected based on the maximum value.

In your case, both values [ADC] and [T1] are bounded to the right axis.

The temperature value was 48°С, so the maximum value for the axis became 50.

In the widget settings, change the binding, for example, the [ADC] values ​​on the left axis, and the [T1] values ​​on the right axis.

Image 2358

Tip: if you want the zero value to always be displayed on the chart, set the Margin bottom indent to 0 in the widget settings.

Image 2359