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Using html text to create a link

NP 1 рік тому в Дашбоард и виджеты оновлено Support Manager 6 місяців тому 9

So within the widget selection you can add text box with picture also notice it allows use of html. I am trying to find a way of using this as button to swap between dashboards but the problem is how do you separate address for the different dashboards. I have tried to use the share dashboard function and copy the link from this but this does not seem to work. Does anyone have any luck any idea or ways to do this

Є відповідь

Afraid that automatically switching to different Dashboards will not work, the login and password for automatic login are saved in the browser.

You can create shared links for the Dashboard and switch to that.

Image 1805


When  try and open a shared dash I just get an error message saying Error. Try refresh later

I have used HTML under a picture and text box. sample of html

<a href="https://dash.smart-maic.com/sharedash87893982219">

this should be a text button that should open the page. the button its does work but smartmaic website shows error

I will try to look into html of site and pull link direct

thanks, Nick


This is because your Dashboard is empty.

Add one widget and save the settings.

Then try again.

Perfect I understand the issue thank you for your help and time


When  i try to open a shared dashboard, I get an error message saying "Error. Try refresh page later"

 I am starting to use your solution, i have just the temperature and local time widget. i need to know if the sharing really works before buy the equipment

What is the problem?


It is because you do not have devices on your Dashboard.

Yes, the sharing really works.


But you need minimum one device for doing it.

Is it possible to open a shared dashboard immediately in monitor mode?

Or perhaps there is a keyboard shortcut to switch to monitor mode (is it possible to activate monitor mode using only the keyboard).

Thank you!

This is not possible, sorry.

Just press F11 to quickly enter full screen mode.