
download all the database contained in the cloud in one shot and with precision to the minute, how do you do it?

Andrea 1 year ago in Dashboard and Widgets updated by Support Manager 1 year ago 2

from the dash board, i select the disks icon and proceed to the page to put the date field etc, at that point i use the minute scale but it seems to be limited how much data can go out at once. is it possible to download a whole block of a month with accuracy to the minute? Or do you have to download all the blocks separated by one minute and then put them together in excel? Thanks for your contributions

ok I see in the news the possibility to use a specific question to the address of the dashboard server as describe here 


so maybe it could be move to propose an Idea: to select direct from the graphics in dash board and download direct from that area with the detail we prefere


Alternatively, you can create a widget-table and export to CSV only the block of information that is selected on the widget.

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