
Need help to calculate power consumption values ​​and costs on Maiv D1005 G4

GE 3 months ago updated 3 months ago 2

need help to calculate power consumption values ​​and costs per day or month in the dashboard with the following configuration.

For example, what can a function look like in virtualdivice

An ABB meter supplies the following values ​​in Modbus to Maic D105 G4 extends

3-phase sys active energie [Wh] on T5

L1 active power [W] on Ch1

L2 active power [W] on TCh1

L3 active power [W] on Ch2

3-phase sys active power [W] on TCh2

Thank yuo kind regards

Thank you very much for the quick help
Satisfaction mark by GE 3 months ago

Look again at the article about Modbus server


T1 - T5 - for instantaneous values

Ch1/Ch2 - for cumulative values, for the period on the widget (hour/day/month)

TCh1/TCh2 - for cumulative values, this is a counter, the value should increase.

I recommend changing the data binding:

L1 active power [W] on T1

L2 active power [W] on T2

L3 active power [W] on T3

3-phase sys active power [W] on Ch1  (will be calculated for intervals hourly/day/month as Wh)

3-phase sys active energie [Wh] on TCh1

As a result, in the value of Ch1 we will get:
- for real time it is power [W]
- for the interval hour/day/month/year it will be energy [Wh]

To calculate the cost, also use Ch1

Thank you very much. I changed the settings